Why does my fragrance oil discolour my soy wax?

Why does the fragrance oil discolour my soy wax?

In candle making, certain fragrance oils can cause soy wax to discolour due to the natural components they contain. The worst culprits to cause discolouration are vanillin, citrus oils, and cinnamon. These ingredients, which may vary from batch to batch, can cause the wax to take on a yellow, tan or off-white hue. This discolouration is purely aesthetic and does not affect the candle’s performance. To minimize this effect, you can try reducing the amount of fragrance oil, however you will likely still have some form of discolouration.

Yellowing of candles due to fragrance oils is completely normal, and very common. Take a look at the range of candles next time you’re in Farmers or a fancy gift shop. I guarantee you’ll find at least one candle which has started to discolour.

If you really don’t like the discolouration, you can try colouring your candle with a dye block.

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