Eucalyptus Essential Oil

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Eucalyptus essential oil is a powerful essential oil and is mainly used for respiratory conditions. It is a primary ingredient in Vicks Vapour Rub.

Effect on mind: Cools emotions; clears exhausted or distracted minds.

Effect on body: Excellent for the respiratory tract infection – flu, throat infections, coughs, sinus, asthma. Soothing inflammation and freeing mucous. Useful for hayfever. Reduces body temperature in all types of fever. Could reduce painful effects of migraine. Works well on problems such as diarrhoea and may relieve some symptoms of rheumatism. Helpful with general muscular aches and pains.

Effect on skin: Useful for skin problems like herpes and good for burns, preventing bacterial growth that can delay growth of new tissue. Seems to improve inflamed cuts, wounds or ulcers. Clears the skin.


Botanical (INCI) Name:

Eucalyptus Globulus


Almost colourless


Strong, fresh characteristic

Plant parts used:

Leaves and tree

Extraction method:

Steam distillation

Region of origin:





Oils and Alcohol



Do not apply undiluted essential oils to your skin. Use a carrier oil or solvent to dilute first.


Do not drip undiluted essential oils into eyes as this will cause a chemical burn and may result in temporary blindness. Diluted essential oils may be used close to the eyes. More here.


Undiluted essential oils should not be dripped into the ears, but diluted essential oils may be placed on a cotton wad for partial insertion.


Keep essential oils in a place where young children cannot reach them, and never let them handle essential oils bottles.


If you have a skin condition, are pregnant, have epilepsy or asthma, are on a course of treatment with prescribed medication, or are in any doubt about any condition you may have, you are advised to seek the advice of a doctor or suitable practitioner before using pure essential oils.

For a full list of safety guidelines and more in depth information please visit the Tisserand Institute website.

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    Heather Yearbury

    I always use this oil to make a Thieves Oil equivilent (blend) along with other Zen Aroma essential oils. As always this essential oil is of great quality and a super price. I use the blend in foaming soaps and hubby uses it in a roller as a form of covid protection.. He hasn’t had covid but all his vacinated workers have!!

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    Love this for my shower steamers

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    Heather Yearbury

    This is my go to essential oil for my cleaning spray. Smells devine and with the help of other ingredients it seems to clean just about anything. like all Zen products the quality (and service) are hard to beat..

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    Have made wax melts & customers & myself absolutely love this scent so much!

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