DIY Washing Powder

Making your own natural cleaning products has never been easier. It can be an affordable way for your household to save money without compromising on quality. Home made laundry powder is quick and easy to make, and a little goes a long way. This recipe makes around 5 cups of washing powder, and you only need 1-2 Tbsp per load of laundry.


2 cups Baking Soda
2 cups Washing Soda (Soda Ash)
1/2 cup Borax
1/4 cup Liquid soap
5ml Essential Oil or Fragrance Blend


  1. Add all dry ingredients to a bowl and mix well
  2. Mix the liquid soap and fragrance/essential oils together, then slowly add to the dry ingredients. Mixing well until fully incorporated
  3. Store in an airtight jar

Essential Oil Blend Suggestions

Blend 1:
2ml Lavender 40/42
2ml Eucalyptus
1ml Lemongrass

Blend 2:
3ml Lemon
1ml Sweet Orange
1ml Grapefruit

Blend 3:
2.5ml Lavender 40/42
2.5ml Lemon

Blend 4:
2ml Rosemary
2ml Peppermint
1ml Lemon

Blend 5:
3ml Lemon
2ml Tea Tree

Fragrance Oil Suggestions

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