9 reviews for Christmas Cabin Fragrance Oil

03 Customer(s) recommended this item
I love Christmas smells, I’m using this is in a diffuser. This is what Santa’s hot son would smell like. Deep, masculine and tapers off to something reminiscent of those little pink smoker lollies.
07/04/2024Verified Review -
I use this all year round not just at Christmas. It makes me feel happy. I love using at winter as well. So cosy
06/12/2023Verified Review -
Nice strong scent behaved well but did discolour to dark brown though I was expecting it and used it to my advantage
07/11/2023 -
I like the scent, I found it did discolour to a yellow tinge but I didn’t mind that. It didnt appear to accelerate at first then BAM, super thick soap. It’s workable but just don’t think you have time because it takes a while to thicken, by then it’s too late! Pour at a light trace 🙂
01/10/2023Verified Review -
This fragrance is not for me personally, but most customers absolutely love it. Spicy cinnamon and woods dominate
11/09/2022Verified Review -
This scent has been a huge hit in my Soy melts. One lady just can get enough of this scent and its months after Christmas 🙂
03/08/2017Verified Review -
Very noticeable acceleration in trace (used in a recipe that is quite quick to trace anyway). – Fragrance not as appealing with this cold process batch.
01/01/1970Verified Review -
I bought this for cold process soap. I am in two minds. I personally did not think it was that great, but men like it. I am going mix it with some other Christmas invoking scents to see if it” lifts” the scent to give it a more central aroma. I think either more cedar OR more orange-clove. It’s hard with a Christmas scent for New Zealand as we do not think of the cold, wood fires, hot toddy and spices. We need to compose a New Zealand Christmas Perfume. The beach, orange& lemon, herbs, chocolate, fresh fruit on pavlova…..
01/01/1970Verified Review -
Absolutely stunning scent for Christmas. I’m ready to start burning it in October.
01/01/1970Verified Review
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